We did many things that annoy you in other apps right. Here is a non-exhaustive list.
- Record expenses really fast, often with only entering a number
- Edit messages
- Multiple accounts
- Multiple currencies
- Multiple accounts with the same currency
- Multiple chats
- Group chats
- Ignores messages in group chats that are not for it
- Sane defaults
- Categories are auto-assigned
- Quick commands
- Spending amount can be a simple math expression
- Default account for spending
- Default account for currency
- Default account per person
- Catch-all account for foreign currencies
- Change default account for a trip
- Set default category for even quicker recording
- Set currency rates and your spendings will be auto-converted
- Currency exchange
- Onboarding — shows tips as you go
- Statistics of your spendings
- Planning mode that works the same as normal mode
- Edit plan after you started it
- Start financial period any day you want
- Re-run plan multiple times if it fits
- Summarizes your spendings into statistics
- Statistics for past financial periods
- Statistics for a whole year
- Compare your plan to reality
- See what's over budget
- See what's yet to spend
- Fits really well into mobile screen
- Error-tolerant and will try hard to process anything you send it
- Supports multiple languages
- All the cool things Telegram does like delayed messages
- Export spendings data to CSV
- Won't charge you if you don't use it
- Upgrade in advance if you decided it's worth using for longer than you thought
- No notifications
- No ads
- No stress-inducing daily budget
- No messages from the bot without your request