Here is the deal: you save 20 Euros during the trial month and buy a subscription, or you don't.
1 month free
6 months
Pay as you go
We don’t want your money if you don’t use Within Means. If you stop using the app, subscription won’t renew.
We did many things that annoy you in other apps right. Here is a non-exhaustive list.
- Record expenses really fast, often with only entering a number
- Edit messages
- Multiple accounts
- Multiple currencies
- Multiple accounts with the same currency
- Multiple chats
- Group chats
- Ignores messages in group chats that are not for it
- Sane defaults
- Categories are auto-assigned
- Quick commands
- Spending amount can be a simple math expression
- Default account for spending
- Default account for currency
- Default account per person
- Catch-all account for foreign currencies
- Change default account for a trip
- Set default category for even quicker recording
- Set currency rates and your spendings will be auto-converted
- Currency exchange
- Onboarding — shows tips as you go
- Statistics of your spendings
- Planning mode that works the same as normal mode
- Edit plan after you started it
- Start financial period any day you want
- Re-run plan multiple times if it fits
- Summarizes your spendings into statistics
- Statistics for past financial periods
- Statistics for a whole year
- Compare your plan to reality
- See what's over budget
- See what's yet to spend
- Fits really well into mobile screen
- Error-tolerant and will try hard to process anything you send it
- Supports multiple languages
- All the cool things Telegram does like delayed messages
- Export spendings data to CSV
- Won't charge you if you don't use it
- Upgrade in advance if you decided it's worth using for longer than you thought
- No notifications
- No ads
- No stress-inducing daily budget
- No messages from the bot without your request
Start with observation
Throw your spendings into a chat, the app will keep track of them and will help you with planning when you're ready.
Use multiple currencies
Whether you are on a trip or generally use several (crypto)currencies, @within_means_bot got you covered.
Plan your budget
The optimal amount of planning is less than 100% but definitely more than zero.
Plan a Trip
Add @within_means_bot to a chat,
plan and record your spendings together with friends. Only one of you need to have a subscription.
Have a room for manoeuvre
Assigning every dollar only scratches your anxiety. Let some of your money lay unassigned. Within Means tracks how much is spent unplanned so you know you're still comfortable with your finances.
Use money more responsibly just because the app tracks the usage.